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Project-Connected Shop Order and Planned Costs

  • 9 February 2023
  • 5 replies

It has been some time since I worked with project-connected shop orders, and I am not seeing what I think was always standard behavior.

Cloud 22.2.1

I created a shop order manually for part M1. This shop order did not originate as miscellaneous demand on a project activity.

This shop order has one component and this component is not standard planned.

Part M1 has costs in cost set 1 and is Weighted Average / Cost per Lot/Batch.

I connected the shop order to a released project activity and the Planned Cost Driver is Connected Objects.

I do not see any costs in the Planned Cost column.

What setup might I be missing?

5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +5

Hi Matt,


I have recently encountered the same issue on IFS 10/UPD 18. What it looks like to me, is that if the supply code on the customer order is “shop order”, the planned cost field retrieves a plan cost from the shop order. If it is “project”, no cost is retreived into the planned cost field. Did you ever find a setting that would include this value in the project planned cost field?



Userlevel 6
Badge +20

@rsczerowski no I have not.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Hi Matt,

Please check the Shop Order Cost page, the Estimate Details tab and then scroll to the right

Do you see any Cost Elements?


And then from this page, you can open through Order Details the Shop Orders Project Cost Analysis page. Do you have values here? These values are typically feeding the Project Side with Shop Order Project Cost


I dunno what’s happening if you have not define Cost/Revenue Elements in Accouting rules for your company.

Hope this could help to some extent Matt


from Matt with a trailing s ;-)

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Hi Matt,

The shop order you have connected to the project is acting as a supply to the project and you will get the usual used costs. You will get planned cost when there is a demand on the project which will use the supply you have generated. Connecting the supply early can be used for long lead-time items on a project. You could add an estimate for this activity and change the planned cost driver to get the planned cost you require.

Kind regards,


Badge +3

Hi @majose ,

Your answer is interresting for me because on my side, the shop order costs are correctly linked to cost elements:


But only the labor of the upper level is viewable in the screen ‘Shop orders project cost analysis’ and I’ve no idea of the cause of this issue :-S

I’ve tried many things in many environment but i always have the same problem.

Would you have an idea of what is missing or wrong?


Thanks in advance,


