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Project Budget Control Summary has no records for certain Projects..

What could be the reason ?

Thanks in Advance


Hi Shibu Manuel,


Budget Control Rules can be enabled in multiple ways:

  • Control On Total Budget
  • Control As budget

If Project is Enabled with “Control On Total Budget”, Project Budget Control Summary screen will have only header information with Total Budget and Total Consumption.


Whereas, If Project is Enabled with “Control As Budget”, Project Budget Control Summary screen will have line details with Subproject, Activity,……..


In your attached screen also, “Control On Total Budget” is selected. Please check.


Hope this clears your query. :)



Hi Ram,

Thank you for your response..

Here is another project for instance,having “Control On Total Budget”  selected and show the records!


Hi Ram,

Thank you for your response..

Here is another project for instance,having “Control On Total Budget”  selected and show the records!


Hi Shibu Manuel,

In this case, Project is enabled with both ‘Control As Budgeted’ and ‘Control On Total budget’.

Please check the Budgeting and Forecasting Indicators for the respective project, it will be enabled with both options.




Hi Ram,

Infact both the options are not enabled on this particular Project..

Control on Total budget is checked..


its manual controls created by user. you can do it both ways, control as budgeted will create rules automatically.

@Brijesh410 Many Thanks for the response
