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Is there a way to access and download the training deck/material for an IFS Academy course if you have registered and payed for the course?

Hi @user00099,


Those are generally marked in this Adobe PDF icon. Launch it.


Click to download the file


I am not seeing this options when I launch the course … is there something in my settings I need to “setup”?

@user00099 Nothing I had to setup specifically after the registration was complete. You should get an intro email from the acedemy anyway with details after registration] If you see the status in green ‘registered’ and if you still cannot launch (or relaunch) the material as Tharindu showed above, better email the IFS acedemy soon and ask. 

I am not seeing this options when I launch the course … is there something in my settings I need to “setup”?

@user00099 as long as your browser supports in viewing PDFs you should be able to view. No specific setting to be enabled here. 

Could you try from a different browser ? (Chrome, Edge, etc.)
