We are using IFS APPS 8.What is Cycle counting and how we can use it .
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Hi Deepak,
Cycle Counting is a method for Counting Inventory continuously throughout the year. It is enabled on Inventory Part level. A Counting Interval is used when you create a Count Report. All Parts that are enabled for Cycle Counting and within the Counting Interval are included in the report
Counting frequencies normally increase as the value of the item and number of Transactions (chance of error) increase
The Cycle Interval is specified in Warehouse Management/Part /Inventory Part/Misc Part Info.
Cycle Counting can be performed if today’s date is within a valid Counting Period. The Interval is calculated from the Last Count Date: Last Count Date + Cycle Interval <= Sys Date (date of the system).
Specify, in Workdays, the Interval according to which Counting should be performed
Inventory Part WindowCreate Count Report Window
As per the help document you can follow below steps:
Open the Create Count Report dialog box. Select “Parts with cyclic counting”
Enter a value for the Site field or click List to select one from the List of Values.
If you want to specify any warehouse, bay, row, tier or bin enter a value in the relevant fields. Single values or wildcard values can be entered. A predefined storage zone can be used to define the locations to be included in the counting report. Enter a value or click List and select one from the List of Value.
In the Print Report field use the List of Values and select if you would like to print the Detailed, Aggregated, both Detailed and Aggregated or none of the reports. The Print Report value set on site level is selected as default but can be changed manually. Selected report/reports will be sent to the Report Archive. Regardless of what you select to print both detailed and aggregated reports will be visible in the Count per Count Report window. If you choose to print none of the reports and want to print a report later or if you would like to reprint a report you can use the right mouse bottom options Print Detailed Report or Print Aggregated Report in Count Reports and Count per Count Report windows.
If you want to specify additional selection criteria, click Advanced. You can, for example, do the following: You can limit the contents to parts using cyclic counting, determine whether the parts should be frozen during counting and exclude parts that are company owned, customer owned, parts belonging to project/standard inventory, or parts attached or not attached to handling unit. You can even use wildcards to indicate the project inventories that are to be included by entering appropriates values in the Project ID field. You can do selections related to handling units e.g. handling unit type to include, if the complete top level handling unit should be included regardless of other selections.
If all the necessary selection criteria are defined, click OK to complete the operation.
In the Report Archive window, click Preview to view the report or click Print to print the report directly.