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Tab "Variables" removed from Analysis result in IFS Cloud

  • September 30, 2024
  • 5 replies

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 16 replies


A question about the redesign of page “Analysis Result” from APP9 (And APP10) to IFS Cloud. The question touches upon the same subject asked in this thread, but its not identical:


Analysis Results Overview (IFS Apps 10 UPD 14 Aurena) | IFS Community


The customer I am working with is upgrading from APP9 to IFS Cloud. In APP9 they are used to seeing the Result column, Inner/Outer Min and Inner/Outer Max in the same page as they Complete and Confirm the results. This is possible because the tab Variables is included in this page.

In IFS Cloud they cannot see these columns in Analysis result since that tab has been removed and moved to a separate page :

Instead they have to look here:

But from Analysis Results - Variables, where they actually see the result, they cannot complete or confirm the analysis. They can only do that from the Analysis Result page and from that page they cannot get an overview of the results that they are about to complete an confirm. So the problem is that they cannot see the result in the page where they must perform the confirmation. 

Is the reason for this re-design a technical limitation, or why have you split the information from one page into two pages? A solution could be to work with two screens with the Analysis Results - Variables in one screen and the Analysis Result in one screen. It would still be great to get some background to this design change.


Thank you!


BR /Eva

5 replies

  • Hero (Employee)
  • 208 replies
  • January 16, 2025

Hi Eva;

Writing to you after long long time it seems.

In Analysis Result, if you select a Dara Point then u get the Command enable for “Enter and View Results” as below

Once you enter the resulta, you get the “Complete” Option


Once all the results are Completed, you get the option to Confirm


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 16 replies
  • January 17, 2025

Hi ​@dameenda !

Nice to hear from you and that someone at R&D reacted to this. Thank you for replying! The point was not that we couldn’t find how to enter the results however, we lacked the possibility to see an overview over the complete result of the analysis in the same page as the results were to be completed and confirmed.

This customer has an integration that creates the analysis and enters the results of the almost 30 datapoints, but it is always a person that completes and confirms the analysis manually. This is the most important part of their process since the analysis result is what they have agreed upon to deliver to the customer. The customer actually orders a specific outcome from the analysis. The user must be able to see all of the the complete measuring values at the same time. The only page in IFS Cloud to do this is “Analysis result Variables” (or Attributes”) and from that page you cannot Complete or Cinfirm the results. We had to resolve this by adding the columns ResultOuter minInner MaxOuter MinInner Min as Custom fields in Analysis result.  I can understand that this might not be a solution for a customer that uses both Variables and Attributes but for this customer, it will work.


Have a good day!



  • Hero (Employee)
  • 208 replies
  • January 17, 2025

Hi Eva, wouldn't selecting data point int the analysis result and select Enter and View Results dos the same?

Pardon me if i sound like too dumb.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 16 replies
  • January 17, 2025

No questions are dumb. It’s not easy to see the customer’s scenario if you haven’t been there.😀

to answer your question: For one data point at the time, yes of course but they need to be able to Complete and Confirm all results at the same time from the header. There are two main reasons for this. Most importantly is that the combination of the result of the data points matter to be able to take the decision to complete and confirm or to cancel the analysis. If data point A is out of specification it can still be ok to Complete the analysis if data point B compensate for that for example. They are in the process industry and adding more of some material will get another result. It requires a lot of knowledge to be able to Complete the analysis, you cannot only go on the data points being inside of specification. In addition to the Inner/Outer limits in IFS standard, they have their own Inner and Outer limits as Custom fields to support this decision process.

The other aspect is the mere amount of data points. Each analysis contains nearly 30 data points. Your example contains 2. Try adding 28 more and do the same procedure. 😀 It’s just not possible to work like that on a daily basis.



  • Hero (Employee)
  • 208 replies
  • January 17, 2025

Thank You Eva, Please create an Idea in the Community.


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