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Is this possible to mix an alternate of Product structure and product routing ?


What I mean by that, we have Top Item T (as “T”op) and T consist of components C1, C2


Whereas components C1 and C2 are done in 2 separate routings. This differences in routings are the suppliers (let’s call them S1/S2) of Outside Operation (this OO is a operation within a SO for C1/C2)


And the thing is we need to keep C1/C2 as same parts whenever they are done through S1 or S2 supplier (1 inventory part at least)


And we need to choose on the Customer Order creation if T shall Contains C1/C2 made on S1 or S2 (both shall be made in this same supplier)


So in my understanding, we could possible have 2 separate structure alternates for T

and this structure alterantes should differ only of the ROUTING use in the C1 and C2 products 


That would be the simplest i think, but I don’t see any possibility to mix structure and routing alternate


Do you see a way to bypass that ?




I agree with your options and one way to automate it is to have a custom field on the customer order that dictates which alternate you should use so that a custom event could then be created to switch the routing once created.

This would then minimise the chance of error, but still give you the option to override it if necessary.


Thank you, Anthony.


Do you think is still there a chance to not use any custom events? 


This is something small, just one Top Item for hundreds we create, do we don't wanna set a special event for just this one part.


If there is no other choice than that, I think we preferable may take an option with creating actually separate part numbers

I was also thinking about maybe using DOP orders? 

We don’t use them for now but we investigate the benefits of implementing them, this one could be a testing example :)


What do you think?


Maybe setting the part up as configurable might also be an option. And the configuration on the CO Line controls the structure / routing.

Hmmm, since the fit, form, and function will be the same, I would suggest against creating separate part numbers.

You can go down down the configurable route, but this will need rules setting up and maintaining but will be standard and will avoid anyone accidently not entering the data.

So I suggest you workshop it first and see what feels best!




Is this possible to mix an alternate of Product structure and product routing ?


What I mean by that, we have Top Item T (as “T”op) and T consist of components C1, C2


Whereas components C1 and C2 are done in 2 separate routings. This differences in routings are the suppliers (let’s call them S1/S2) of Outside Operation (this OO is a operation within a SO for C1/C2)


And the thing is we need to keep C1/C2 as same parts whenever they are done through S1 or S2 supplier (1 inventory part at least)


And we need to choose on the Customer Order creation if T shall Contains C1/C2 made on S1 or S2 (both shall be made in this same supplier)


So in my understanding, we could possible have 2 separate structure alternates for T

and this structure alterantes should differ only of the ROUTING use in the C1 and C2 products 


That would be the simplest i think, but I don’t see any possibility to mix structure and routing alternate


Do you see a way to bypass that ?



DOP is an interesting idea for this, and if it is one of few parts in many, then I would simply change the DOP structure alternates for this.


Don’t forget that routing lot sizes can be used to control smaller routings too - but of course it depends on the context.



We decided to go with configurator with 2 different parts + alternate part settled for these


Simplicity is also a value here :)


Thank you once again for all of the answers




Glad you got a solution in the end, and happy to help!

