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Shop order material multilevel availability (minimum simulated start date)


Hello everyone,


While using the tool Shop order multilevel material availability i noticed the column (Minimum simulated start date) first i thought it represents the latest date where you can place the order taking into account the lead time (purchasing or manufacturing) 

But while running the simulation, i had this:


running date : 13 april

The system gives me minimum simulation dates in the past which is wierd because even if you take the lead time into account the date will still be not in the past.


Is somone familiar with this problem or might have another difinition of the minimum simulation date!

Thank you in advance 

  • Superhero (Partner)
  • April 14, 2023

Hi @BeaMohamB ,

Could please check once your distribution calendar to know how many working days in week and if any holidays defined. Also check supplier calender ( connected to primary supplier, if its a purchase part) and try to count back the Leadtime in working days from Max simulated required date. 

As per IFS help Min Simulated start date is the date, as suggested by the simulation process, on which the simulated supply should begin for the part to be available in inventory on its earliest required date, i.e., at the earliest simulated start date of the parent supply orders. This is calculated by subtracting the lead time from the earliest required date according to the distribution calendar.

Hope this helps!!


Mithun K V

  • Hero (Employee)
  • April 16, 2023


The field description is wrong here unfortunately. If I quote the latest core we have:

“The date, as suggested by the simulation process, on which the simulated supply should begin for the part to be available in inventory on its earliest required date, i.e., at the earliest simulated start date of the parent supply orders. This is calculated by subtracting the lead time from the earliest required date according to the distribution calendar.”

But, system, for manufactured sub-assemblies is using the lot sized lead time when calculating the “min start date”. So logic is using: planned supply * variable lead time + fixed lead time. And for manufactured parts it uses the manufacturing calendar. You can actually check this in the supply/demand availability nested tab. There you have a Used Lead Time column. And the Used Lead Time is perfect for manufactured part, but slightly misleading for purchased parts, since the function is using the manufacturing calendar to calculate Used Lead Time.

So please drill down to the nested tab supply/demand availability and look into the details.

Hope this helps

(If you want please log a support case for the incorrect field description here)




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