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We are building different part #s (so they are on different SOs) to the same build process so we want to be able to charge time and execute the operations of the individual SOs at the same time. How would an employee be able to charge time between 2-5 SOs, where it either evenly splits between the operations, or splits based on lot sizes?

If this is available in Apps9 documentation, I would recommend getting familiar with the Labor Clocking Calculation found under Manufacturing > Shop Floor Reporting in Topics in IFS Applications. Start at the section on Group Start Operations and see the different scenarios presented and the results that are output.


@SydneyFreking When an employee is clocking time on more than one operation simultaneously, his/hers the time is automatically split between the operations.


in short the time can be split in two ways:

  • By splitting the Crew Size. Say an employee worked from 10:00 to 12:00 on operation A and operation B, then each operation received 2 hours of duration, but the crew size will be 0.5 on each operation (or can be 0.6 / 0.4 etc as well, it depends on the planned crew size. The cost booked for each operation will be the duration multiplied with the crew size. This option assumes the employee actually worked on these operations at the same time.
  • By Splitting the Duration: If the employee worked on both Operation A and B from 10:00 to 12:00, the Duration will be calculated to 1h per operation and crew size is 1 for each operation. (or actually the duration may be calculated to 1.2h for operation A and 0.8 for operation B, it depends on the planned hours)

Details can be found in the about Shop Floor Reporting documentation

