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Multi-level product structure looks like this:

  • FG PW-PSM-000 is lot tracked, weighted average, cost per lot.
  • For all subassemblies Negative On Hand Allowed = YES (no lot tracking).
  • Safety Stock = 0 for all parts.
  • All components have zero on-hand quantity and zero supply/demand.
  • Lower subassemblies assigned default picking locations.
  • Customer order for 2000 tons of FG PW-PSM-000 is the only demand relevant for this structure.
  • Looking only at the IPAP situation for the manufactured parts through the following steps.

Run MRP for customer order line (selective MRP). IPAP results:

Report production receipt for 2100 tons (overproduction) of PW-PSM-001, driving the on-hand of level 1 negative. IPAP results:

Run Selective MRP for low level 1. IPAP results:

Why did level 2 demand and supply remain at 2000? Expected it to see the level 1 supply of 2100 as its ‘new’ net requirement.

Hi Matt,

Just to clarify, do you want to run Selective MRP by using the low level parameter?

Actually it was a long time since I tested this one…

However the idea is just that THE SPECIFIED low level gets processed. Kind of interesting. So I can specify that I want to run selective MRP for low level code 0 and 1 by entering: 0..1. Or perhaps low level code 2 and downwards and I know I have 6 levels deep structure or… was it 7… omg... well to be on the save side I enter 2..10.

One example of using this is like:

At the company we run site MRP in the middle of the night.

Then we get a bunch of new orders and some are cancelled in the morning hours. Let us run a selective MRP during lunch for just level 0 and 1. We kick of a selective MRP by entering 0..1. Then we look at MRP action messages, focusing on level 0 and 1, and perhaps we take some actions and moves some shop orders etc etc.

And maybe maybe we continue the drill by executing a selective MRP for lower levels, or we wait until next night for the site MRP.

I dunno how practical this is, but for some companies it might be useful.

Take care,

