There are some questions and discussions regarding MRP Action Proposals in the community. One of them you can find here: MRP Action Proposals Workbench - managing early shop orders | IFS Community
MRP is only filling the columns “Reschedule … Days” for the MRP Messages Late Order and Early Order. For example in the first case, MRP discovers a requirement that cannot be fulfilled from stock, then it starts to net against open supply orders. Now if this open supply has a planned receipt date prior the gross requirement date, MRP creates a Later Order message. And while creating this it knows the delta in number of days.
While working with the most important MRP messages (this is my prio order):
Negative Projected Onhand
Late Order
Supply is Past Due
(MRP)Plan(ned) Supply is Past Due
Demand is Past Due
Early Order
Remove Order
….=> you should also focus on where they occur “low level-wise”.
Let say that purchasing are working hard to solve Late Order messages for lots of purchase items deeeep dooown in the BOM, while at the same time some other planners might not take action on Remove Order messages for some Shop Orders where the Customer Order Demand was cancelled. It might be so that these not needed shop orders are the ones that drives the Late Order messages several levels down.
But then you shuld not forget about how far out you are in the future when it comes to these messages.
Working together is probably a key factor when hunting down MRP problems, if you do that, you can take control of the MRP messages, and really benefit from working with them. Else you surrender and go to the IPAP screen.