Hi Thilan,
This is the intended behavior of the application.
When you define language-specific description on the master part, first, for the values to be fetched for places that use part description (for example shop order header part description) you need to enable "Use Part Catalog description as description for inventory part" located in site - Inventory tab. Now when this is enabled and if you have defined the part description in English and have different translations defined in the part catalog -> language description, if you log in from a language that has the translation it will be visible in other places like shop order. So, this is how it works, you need to be logged in from the language that has the translation for that part description.
As per the above test plan, let’s say you logged in using Chinese and go to the shop order, you would notice that the description would be shown in Chinese as well. if there was no language description available for Chinese, it would show in the originally entered English description.
So the issue is where the user logs in English and tries to print the report in Chinese in the print dialog. in the print dialog, when selecting the language from the drop-down, the intention is to change the static values in the report to the desired language the user chooses. Which means it won't change the data-specific values to the selected language. because print dialog appears only after processing the data required for the report (i.e. data is already extracted and put into the xml format) data is picked based on the logged-in language and in this case English. you would notice in your example not only the part description is not translated but also you can see some other values such as part type and consumption item etc. appearing in English as well.
This is how the application works in this scenario and it’s not only for shop order reports, but it would also be the same for all reports in the application.
Hope this explanation has cleared the doubts.
Best regards,