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One of our customers raised the below question regarding shop floor reporting from App10 latest track;

When an employee terminates who is a shop floor employee, what is the correct process for removing the shop floor assignment records?

Please assist me in finding the correct answer.
The most important data for the shop floor reporting and assignments is the “Valid Date” of the shop floor employee. If the valid date is expired, then the employee can’t perform as a shop floor employee.But the validity behaves differently.

It is not possible to remove the records because although the employee is terminated, the activities done by the employee should be still valid (Maybe a Shop order still going on, which the terminated employee has worked early ). Only thing is, the terminated employee should not be able to do anything further and it is correctly handled by the “Start Date” and “End date” of the employee (As a resource).

There is a RMB option to change the validity at “Manufacturing labor class” and “shop floor employees” windows. There the user can set the validity to “Blocked” or “Hidden”.

• Hidden - The value is possible to use but it is by default excluded from the list of values. It can be included in the list of values by selecting the Show Hidden checkbox. An example of when this validity status might be used is when the value is either still preliminary or being phased out.

• Blocked - The value cannot be used when creating new or modifying records in other parts of the IFS Applications.

Therefore records should be still there because there can be modifications to the activities done by the employee, some records may be still used (as there can be ongoing operations, which the employee has worked early) and to figure out the history of the employment. So best option is to keep the records as it is, and change the validity to “hidden” or “blocked” if required.
