I have a question regarding recipe structure and wondering if anyone has seen a similar scenario and has recommendations?
- Raw materials are purchased in kg.
- BOM also calls for mixing of these by kg (or grams).
- Some of the materials contain bacteria. At goods inwards this bacteria level is measured (CFU/g).
- The BOM is based on the suppliers quoted minimum CFU/g. However, in most cases the suppliers will deliver to a higher concentration (meaning less kg are required to achieve the desired concentration level).
- The result is that the BOM must be recalculated and adjusted on each shop order, depending on the CFU/g of the available raw materials. Raw materials are potentially expensive, so it does not make sense to issue more than required CFU.
- This also creates an issue for MRP / planning as CFU is not known and plan is only based on kg. When adjustments are made too late, this can cause sudden changes in material availability.
Are the any recommendations or suggestions to handle this within IFS or even partly within IFS?