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A user is getting the following error when she tries to edit the times in the "Project Time Registration" screen in Apps10:

When she tries to edit the time in the "Day" tab the following error appears:

Can anyone help with this?

It seems the transactions may have went too far to be changed, but can’t quite tell.  If you RMB on the time entries and go to Show Transactions, has the Cost Accounting Voucher been created?


In order to make changes to the time, you have to unwind the Approval and Confirmation, which you can only do if you haven’t transferred to the ledger, but given the errors, it looks like these transactions were already transferred for end of month.

By looking at the first image User is trying to edit existing Project transaction line in Week tab , Which has more than one report code involve , so user is trying to edit  the line which is in day tab.

Transaction is already transferred, so you won’t be able to edit  existing line 

 If you are going to increase the time probably try creating new line and  enter time

else , you can credit the  whole relevant transaction and create new time transaction.

You would be able to do this using  ( Go to  Project Transactions Window  > Query relevant record > then Create Correction  Transaction)



There is also a settting in Human Resources > Organization Management > Organization Definitions > Company Details | Property

NOEDTAPTRN - No editing of approved project transactions

This should be set to FALSE in order to change this specific project transaction.


Thanks for the replies but I fixed it by going into the project_transaction_tab and updating the “INTERNAL_QUANTITY” field to the values that I wanted for the Activity Sequence that was linked to that line in the Project Transactions. This in turn updated the column in the  Project Transactions screen.