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Outsourcing: Shop Order Outside Operation Items in UoM PC vs. Purchase Order Receiving in UoM=KG



We are producing a part in UoM = PC. To manufacture that part, we are outsourcing operations on the shop order for:

  • transport 
  • manufacturing process

Both are assigned with an outside operation items for which the purchase requisitions are generated upon shop order release. Those are then converted into purchase orders and upon arrival of the physical items, we receive all of them and close the shop order.

  • Items on the shop order are in UoM = PC,
  • Outside operations items are a non-inventory parts (paying for the service)
  • however one of the suppliers for the manufacturing process is charging us and sending an invoice per kg for one of those outside operation items (manufacturing process)

Question/Problem to Solve: Is it possible to have purchase order for this non-inventory part in UoM = kg, but receiving it in UoM=PC on the shop order? How to solve this differentiation?

Goal: We need to be able to issue orders for outsourced manufacturing process in the supplier's billing unit, that is UoM = KG.
At the moment, the current solution brings a lot of difficulties in accounting when settling these transactions.

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