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MRP Planned Demand

Do Gooder (Partner)


what is the reason for MRP Planned Demand lines in the inventory part availability planning window? There are no actual demand orders generated in the system for these lines.


Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)


MRP Planned Demand is a demand created from MRP when MRP has exploded a demand on a parent level. Typically MRP has generated a shop order requisition for a part where this part is a component. You can see from what parent part this demand is exploded using the Source Information column.

In my example below, MRP has generated a shop order requisition for my parent part MTS2


As a result, a MRP planned demand is generated for PTS2 which is a component in the manufacturing BOM for MTS2


The best page to track from where MRP generated demands origins is the MRP Part Information - Bottom Up since you can use the tree structure to drill to the origins of a demand.


Do Gooder (Partner)

Hi @Björn Hultgren

In my case, I have 2 DOP supplied Manufactured Semi Finished Goods parts  RRM000480695, 93318 Where 93318 part is a component in RRM000480695. 2 shop orders have been created for 2 items from a released DOP header. 

Shop Order No - 2008831 - Part No - 93318

Shop Order No - 2008832 - Part No - RRM000480695

Part 700419 is a purchased part which is a component of 93318. DOP is only used for manufactured parts to create shop orders. for purchased parts, MRP is used to fulfill the inventory requirements. 

Part No 700419 has 2 Demand lines in the MRP part information window. The first demand comes as a direct demand from shop order 2008831

The other line demand source comes as MRP Make.

This MRP Make Demand line comes from the MRP explosion where the source shop order 2008832 (Part No - RRM000480695). There is a supply line for part 93318 which is generated from MRP. this demand and supply exploded all the way to the bottom level purchased part (700419). This has created double demand lines for some parts. which is misleading. These lines have not created any requisitions. 


My questions are,

  • Why this is happening?
  • Is there any way we can stop this?

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

Are you sure component 700419 is not included as a component also on shop order 2008832?

If 700419 is only a component on shop order 2008831 I can also not see why MRP would explode a demand for it from shop order 2008832.

Do Gooder (Partner)

@Björn Hultgren

 Part 700419 is only a component of part 93318 (SO - 2008831).

Any idea?

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

@IniharshB Unfortunately I have no further idea on this.


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