Expected Lead Time: The expected Lead Time it takes to receive the parts into Inventory. By default; for Manufactured Parts this Lead Time is identical to the Manufacturing Lead Time. The Expected Lead Time is used when performing the Availability Check (ATP), and may be manually overwritten. In case this Lead Time is manually entered, the advice is to enter the “Cumulative Lead Time”.
Expected Lead Time: The Expected Lead Time it takes to receive the parts into Inventory. By default; for Purchased Parts it is identical to the Purchasing Lead Time. The Expected Lead Time is used when performing the Availability Check (ATP). The Expected Lead Time may be manually overwritten, in which the advice is to enter the “Cumulative Lead Time”. However, for Purchased Parts the advice is not to manually overwrite the Expected Lead. Since then it will no longer be validated against any of the Calendars. The Earliest Unlimited Supply Date (EUSD), as used by ATP, is calculated using the Calculate Earliest Unlimited Supply Date dialog.
•For Manufactured Parts: in case you decide to manually overwrite the Expected Lead Time. Advice is to use the Cumulative Lead Time.
•For Purchased Parts: advice is to not manually overwrite the Expected Lead Time. Note! That the Safety Lead Time is not included.