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We have an error message that we are struggling to get past when creating shop orders via SFWB:

'Issuing could not be done because no inventory locations exist to drive negative without reservations for M-FACTOR’.


I have checked through the setup, nothing has changed - settings allow negative qty:


Setup is exactly the same in our DEV environment and all working fine there. Any thoughts?

The key is that in order to drive a quantity negative using backflush, the stock record (inventory location) must not have any quantity reserved. So check if there’s a reserved quantity preventing backflush from driving the quantity negative

Thanks Bjorn, there are no reservations.


There are no reservations on your Shop Order. But if you go to “Inventory Part In Stock” window and search for your part. Do you have any reservations there?

Because you may not have any reservations at all, from any order, on the record in “Inventory Part in Stock” you shall issue below zero.

There are no reservations on your Shop Order. But if you go to “Inventory Part In Stock” window and search for your part. Do you have any reservations there?

Because you may not have any reservations at all, from any order, on the record in “Inventory Part in Stock” you shall issue below zero.


Hmmm yes I do! 


Would this cause the error?

Right click on the line and click View Reservations to identify what object is holding the reserved material. 
