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Input UoM Groups and GTIN-14

  • Do Gooder (Employee)

Hi All,


There is a requirement to create GTIN-14 for 3 package types DFP, TFP and PALL.


For each SKU the pcs stored in each package type can be different.


SKU 1 → DFP = 3 pcs, TFP = 39 pcs, and PALL = 1248 pcs

SKU 2 → DFP = 5pcs, TFP = 96pcs, and PALL = 2592 pcs


As a result there will be 100+ DFP, 1000+ TFP and 1000+ PALL variations for different SKUs.

Creating an Input UoM Group for each SKU and using the the Input UoM Conv Factor to indicate the different combinations, and finally using that to generate GTIN-14 is an option.


But this approach will take too long done manually.


Is there a better way to do this - migration jobs etc. ? 



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