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Dear All,

How operation block functionality works? In which business scenario it is being used?

Thanks in advance.


We have an example of a batch process manufacturing customer (Apps10) who has the following operations on their Routing;

Op10 - Make

Op20 - Pack

Op30 - Palletise

The packing line is the key constraint in their process and they want to ensure that it is planned and scheduled in the most efficient way.

The production planner will select several shop orders (e.g. all orders which need to be packed next Monday) and will create an Operation Block with next Monday’s date as the Operation Block Description.

They connect all of the shop order packing operations to that operation block and use the ‘scheduling in sequence with compress’ functionality to schedule and sequence the operations and compress (‘squash up’) the other shop order operations.

Using Shop Floor Workbench, the operators can then use the Dispatch Rule to filter by Operation Block and see which orders they need to work on ‘next Monday’.




Thanka a lot for the detailed explanation.