We are currently on IFS Aurena app. I noticed that If I create shop order manually then IFS shows me ‘Create manufacturing analysis’ option to register control plan for particular operation on shop order but if my shop order gets created from DOP then ’Create manufacturing Analysis’ option gets disappeared from operations line menu .
What should I do inorder to register the manufacturing analysis if the ‘Create Manufacturing analysis’ option is not there ? It doesn’t allow me to receive the shop order without doing that.
Please help.
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I did a quick test and it worked for me. I followed steps below
Created Manufactured part and a purchased part as a component of it (both dop)
Created a control plan for the manufactured part and made it active
Created a dop header for the manufactured part and released it
Created a shop order manually for the manufactured part
Released both shop orders
“Shop Order Analysis” command was available in both instances in the operations tab in the shop order.
Things to try out
Refresh the page
Go to report operations page and check whether the command is available in that page
Do share how things worked out :)
DOP connected shop orderOperations tab of dop connected shop orderOperations tab of non-DOP connected shop order
If a valid control plan revision exists for the part of interest, then it should be connected to the shop order automatically when the shop order is created, regardless if the shop order is manually created or created from DOP.
The control plan revision is valid if the control plan status is Active and the shop order need date falls within the control plan revision Phase In and Phase Out date range.
My guess is that the shop order need date for your DOP connected shop order is earlier than the control plan phase in date, meaning that no valid control plan revision exists for your DOP connected shop order. If that is the case you can change the Phase In Date on your control plan (or the shop order need date)and the connect the control plan to the DOP shop order of interest manually.
Hi Peter and Chamila,
Thank you for your response. I tried following the steps but currently that option is not showing up.
Everytime I had to go to Shop order control plan screen in Aurena and manually include datapoint on control plan lines. If I do this step and approve the shop order control plan modification then the option gets visible on shop order operations tab.
Do you know what could be the missing part here ?
I appreciate your help. Thank you.
I did a quick test and it worked for me. I followed steps below
Created Manufactured part and a purchased part as a component of it (both dop)
Created a control plan for the manufactured part and made it active
Created a dop header for the manufactured part and released it
Created a shop order manually for the manufactured part
Released both shop orders
“Shop Order Analysis” command was available in both instances in the operations tab in the shop order.
Things to try out
Refresh the page
Go to report operations page and check whether the command is available in that page
Do share how things worked out :)
DOP connected shop orderOperations tab of dop connected shop orderOperations tab of non-DOP connected shop order
Hi Chamila, Can you please share your Aurena update version ? We came to know that this is aurena bug and we have reported it to IFS. Thank you.