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Designated Warehouse for business

  • 5 September 2024
  • 5 replies



Is it possbile in IFS to make a designated warehouse for service business only? currently we are using parts that are being used by both manifacturing and service. 


We are in IFS APP10.


Thank you.

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@ronhu you have the option to create many warehouses linked with the same site. Each warehouse can have it’s own structure (bays/bins/tiers). Additionally for Service you also have the option to create Remote Warehouses - useful for Field Service Technicians.

Ofcourse you would need to define your supply/demand flows so that only service parts are stored in the service warehouse.

If you could elaborate more on your requirement, maybe we could provide better guidance.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16


Thank you for your reply.

we need a designated warehouse for designated purpose only, i.e. service,  for all parts in this designated warehouse will supply for Service business only. unfortunately, we have only one site set up in the IFS system.

I understand what you mentioned about utilizing remote warehouse. Remote warehouse might be an option, parts that are used in remote warehouse could be included in remote warehouse assortment only, replenish upon order point.  no putaway zone, delivery is to be delivered directly to the address that we set on the remote warehouse.

but, how to avoid it from being picked by other orders, i.e. shop orders, customer orders which are from manufacturing side?


Thank you.

Userlevel 5
Badge +10

Hi Ron

The question ideally should be raised to the Distribution Product, however i see we have 2 possible options;

Use the warehouse navigator to add a default Part Availability control ID to control the items in the specific location being picked.

Option 2 would be try to have custom event actions to raise an error when the event is triggered.


Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@ronhu if you create 2 different warehouses to manage service and manufacturing separately and you have different users working on Mfg and Service business then you could use Warehouse Access to define which people could work on which warehouse. This way you could easily protect the Service Warehouse stock from being used by mfg employees:


Userlevel 7
Badge +16



Thank you for your input.


@Marcel.Ausan very interested in this window Warehouse Access, i cannot get this window in APP10, UPD9, are you in this version?
