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Hi all,

I am trying to setup master scheduling in IFS Cloud and I want to define the planning time fence (PTF) based on the cumulative lead time calculations of IFS. The PTF is entered as work days in the master scheduled part.

When I checked the cumulative lead time calculation results of different bom levels, I realized that IFS mixes up the different lead times for manufactured and purchased parts.

Example Bom:

  • Manuf. Part A (Lead time = 50 -> work days based on our calendar)
    • Purchased Part B (Lead time = 14 -> calendar days)

The result will be a cumulative lead time of 64 days. This result is neither correct for work days, nor for calendar days. How is everyone else handling this problem?

Thank you

Hi, Im not sure about this, but can you see if the Supplier Calendar defined at Supplier has an impact for the lead time calculation of the purch part? 


We have no calendars connected to our suppliers. I think calendar days for purchase lead times is the default behaviour in IFS.

