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I’m working in the Apps10 demo environment (both IEE and Aurena). I have set up Shop Floor Employees, assigned them to companies/sites and created Shop Orders for them to work on.

I can see the Shop Orders in the workbench in IEE, but cannot see them in Aurena.

I’ve attempted creating Filters and selecting ‘Filter By’ > Shop Order to select the SO individually, but that has not been successful either.

Has anyone else seen this issue and can help explain the error in my setup?

IEE vs. Aurena


Hi Jeff, 

I can't see any obvious problem with your setup. If you're using the same filter in EE as in Aurena I believe operations should populate similarly. 

I know some other apps 10 demo environment had this problem. It was resolved by "Allowed traffic to bypass the reverse proxy server". I'm not a technician so I cannot explain that deeper.



Thanks for the feedback. It’s been a while, but I heard back from our IT group and we do not use a proxy server. Is this a setting within Aurena or were you leaning toward it being within our network? 

     My question to our IT group was asking if there was something in the network. 

Thanks for the help!
