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Undo Delivery of Customer Order Line with Supply Code of Service Order

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 78 replies

We delivered a few customer order lines with the Supply Code of Service Order. We now need to undo the delivery. I opened the customer order in Undo Customer Order Delivery.

  • When I right click on one of the order lines, the Undo Line Delivery menu option is greyed out/disabled.
  • When I right click on the header and click on the menu option Undo Delivery, I get the Error Message “Cannot undo customer order delivery for customer order lines with supply code Service Order.”


Any ideas on how to work around or resolve this issue so that the lines can be un-delivered?



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6 replies

Kasun Manuranga
Superhero (Employee)

Dear hmccabe,

As I am aware  “Undo Delivery for Customer Order Lines” functionality has been introduced to Order side only. The RnD supply Chain group explains that this is a design limitation hence this functionality is not going to be extend to Work order (service order) side.    

However please check for the following workaround and this is for App10 Track.

• Proceed with invoicing the customer order.
• Then navigate to Report In Work Order.
• Query for the work order i.e. involved in the customer order
• In the header, RMB View Invoice Preview
• Then you can use RMB Create Credit line.
• So it will create a new invoice preview for Credit lines and from there you can proceed with new customer order with credit invoice to reverse the previously created customer order.

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 622 replies
  • December 7, 2021

Hi, do you have any progress on this? we have the same issue. Thank you.

Nipun Gunaratne
Sidekick (Employee)

Hi @Kasun Manuranga ,


If we create a credit customer order and we need to cancel the customer order while undo the customer order delivery. so the customer order will be sitting there for ever? do you have any idea on enhancing the undo functionality? 


Thanks & Best Regards,


Kasun Manuranga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 148 replies
  • December 9, 2021

@Nipun Gunaratne and @ronhu.

Functionality remains still the same that, you need to handle the situation via creating Credit lines but Undo Customer Order Delivery does not support for Service Orders.

RnD still unable to implement the same for Service orders due to a design limitation which needs a major design change right now the main obstacle.

@Nipun Gunaratne> I didnt get what you meant in the phrase “so the customer order will be sitting there for ever”.

  1. Here we have the first order which is in Invoiced/Close state.
  2. Next we create the credit order to reverse the first and that is it.


Do you have any further issues in this flow?


Kind Regards,


Nipun Gunaratne
Sidekick (Employee)

Hi @Kasun Manuranga,


Thanks for the information

We have created onetime credit invoice.


Enter $ -200.

System create a new credit order line.

Create invoice on the credit invoice $-200 order line.

Due to customer order type SEO, we need to manually deliver the customer order. RMB on credit invoice order line.

Deliver customer order and make it to status “Delivered”.


In this stage we need to cancel the CO. That is not possible


Best Regards,


Kasun Manuranga
Superhero (Employee)
  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 148 replies
  • December 18, 2021

Hello @Nipun,

It cannot be undo at Delivered state but possible in an early state before the delivery. The intension of creating the Credit order is to reverse the first order hence you need to proceed this till Invoiced/Closed state if you somehow set it as delivered.

Once you completed the full reversal, you will find a new third line created in work Task by the application automatically so you can re-invoice it as it is or if needed with some further changes.


Refer the example below,


Here the first line which in state Transferred is the first line transferred to a Customer order and second credit line has been created to reverse the first order (You need to proceed that till invoiced/Closed state to complete the reverse of the delivery).

Once we proceed that till Invoiced/Closed state, application will create another line which is the 3rd line you see below. This is with the intention of reinvoicing the same or if needed with some adjustment.

Also you will see by default the State set to NoiInvoiceable of this new line.



If you need to reinvoice it again, you first need to set as invoiceable via RMB. (You can make further adjustment as well to the Price and Quantity before reinvoicing it again)


Next you can create a Invoice preview again and generate a Customer order clicking “Approve Online”.



This is the Standard function.

As a Summery, once you create a Credit Customer order for SEO type, it cannot be undone at state Delivered but before it is possible. Then you need to full process that to complete the full reversal. Finally to proceed with reinvoice if required with the new line auto generated in relevant work task.

Hope this helps.


Best Regards,



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