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Does anyone know how to build IFS Cloud specific user related RLS into the Tabular models?

Hi @himasha.abeywickrama 

Only few IFS delivered tabular models contain RLS filters out of the box. Is this question about using that bit or modelling new RLS filters into the tabular models?

You can find information about out of the box supported RLS in the following links.



Hi @subashfestus,

Thanks for replying as always!

I would like to know more about modelling new RLS filters into tabular models.

Hi @himasha.abeywickrama 

Modelling new RLS filters can be done by using SSMS on the deployed tabular models, OR can use tools like visual studio analysis services projects, Tabular Editor OR any other supported tool.

You can find many online Microsoft documentation and other tutorials around how to add RLS filters to a tabular model.


Creating a static(hardcoded) RLS filter using a DAX expression like RegioniCountry]="USA" and adding members to that role is straight forward.

Once applied this will filter sales records for “USA” for the role members when the report was accessed.


If the requirement is to have the RLS in IFS application on the Tabular model, then the process is bit complex and following high level steps needs to followed.

Eg; Implement Site based RLS for the Sales tabular model

  1. Identify the oracle view or table which contains the RLS data.

Eg – A view with sites accessible for each fnd_user

  1. Create a view in IFSINFO schema to read from the object identified in step 01. (can use an IAL view or create a custom view from code)
  2. Create a data source for that IFSINFO view, add that to the tabular model and create the relationships.

The steps mentioned in the below dimension example are similar to this process.

  1. Create a role and the DAX filter on “Site” table.
  2. Add “AD user mappings”.

This is where the FND_Users are mapped to the AD users (Analysis Service works on windows auth)

  1. Add members to the role.

You can use the Company filter on the GL model as a guidance for this.



Thank you very much for this!
