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I am currently trying to use the writeback functionality in Business Reporter.

When I am working on creating the Procedure for the the writeback, if I update the API package and try to use the writeback functionality again, I am returned with this error: ‘Existing state of has been invalidated’.


I have refreshed my cache, logged out and back in, and nothing changes it. The API works normally from inside SQL Developer.



I am unsure of how to solve this error, any advice is appreciated.

Hi @JacJL 

Could you please provide more information on this? At what point do you get this error?

Best Regards

Hello @shwiclk ,


I was receiving this error right after recompiling the API I was using and then attempting to use the API in Business Reporter (During writeback save). If I log out and then back in, the error is still returned. 


Solution I found is - (As long as I have not recently attempted to run Business Reporter right after changing the API) If I close Business Reporter before changing the API, make the changes to the API, then reopen Business Reporter, no error is returned.

I believe there is some sort of caching issue Business Reporter is doing internally. 

