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When we save a business reporter generated file to a shared location it initially runs fine then users begin to get to see a message that looks like this:


“The process cannot access the file:’Z:\Test Reports\business_reporter_example.xlsx’ bause it is being used by another process.”


We have checked the file is not open and ensured the locations used are listed in the Trust center locations. Has anyone else encountered this issue and/or have fix?


Could you please attempt the following solutions and check if it resolves the issue?

  1. Check for file locks: Make sure that no other user or program has the report file open. If someone else is working with the file, ask them to close it temporarily so that you can access it.

  2. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a background process or service might be holding onto the file, preventing you from opening it. Restarting your computer can release any locked resources and allow you to open the report.

  3. Copy the file to a local location: If possible, try copying the report file from the shared directory to a local directory on your computer. This can help bypass any potential conflicts with other processes accessing the shared directory.

Thank You
Best Regards



Could you please attempt the following solutions and check if it resolves the issue?

  1. Check for file locks: Make sure that no other user or program has the report file open. If someone else is working with the file, ask them to close it temporarily so that you can access it.

  2. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a background process or service might be holding onto the file, preventing you from opening it. Restarting your computer can release any locked resources and allow you to open the report.

  3. Copy the file to a local location: If possible, try copying the report file from the shared directory to a local directory on your computer. This can help bypass any potential conflicts with other processes accessing the shared directory.

Thank You
Best Regards



Hi Shenali,
 We tried options 1 and 2 already.
Option 3 always works too but unfortunately, the file needs to be in a shared location so that's not an option we can take. If it worked option 2 wouldn’t be feasible for the same reason i.e. multiple users would potentially have to restart their machine if they had accessed the report.
 The interesting thing is the report works initially but then suddenly it stops even if you’re the first to open it and no one else has ever opened it before. It's like there is a weird background process but all our checks find nothing running against against the file.

Kind regards,



Any update about it? I have the same problem …



Hi Laura,


In the end, nothing we did could fix the error. We’ve opted to use a normal Excel file.

