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How are other operators managing kits that have alternate part numbers?

  • December 28, 2021
  • 1 reply

Sidekick (Customer)

At Southwest we have hundreds of examples where we have an in-house built kits as alternates to OEM kits, however the functionality in Maintenix does not allow for alternate kit part numbers.  Curious if other users have dealt with this and if so, how are they managing this?  

slcreese wrote:

At Southwest we have hundreds of examples where we have an in-house built kits as alternates to OEM kits, however the functionality in Maintenix does not allow for alternate kit part numbers.  Curious if other users have dealt with this and if so, how are they managing this?  

Hi, impressed, i can only assume SW are using the inventory class of ‘KIT’, we at Qantas haven't even got this far yet :( 

To see them in a group (but not necessary as part group alternates) can be done by creating a KIT stock number and assigning the KIT PNs, this won’t let you have configuration management, but assume should suit the supply management side? If your supply dept rely on stock numbers for other means and your AMO/ approved data source don't list possible alternates, perhaps creating Config Slots just for such types of Kits in the COMHW baseline would suffice? 


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