AStelling wrote:
CS202305-64029 was our original case for this question.
I reviewed this ticket today, and it presents an interesting dilemma for repairable batch inventory. What is being asked of the system in this case is to maintain traceability of EO execution against a component whose part number has been elected to be a batch part. This batch component has been sent externally for repair and later received back into the organization. This is a level of historical context that is better suited to serialized or tracked part numbers. Batched inventory can operate as an individual component in some respects. However, it should not be expected that it be the same as uniquely identifiable, serialized inventory that is maintained and tracked as the component is issued into service, or sent outside of the organization.
Tasks not being returned by the search, in the case as it was raised, is a byproduct of the system not being able to guarantee the tracking of a non-tracked part. During the discovery phase of this analysis, there are other simpler scenarios that do not locate a batch PN-based task in the task search. I have asked the original analyst to follow up with the support ticket to further clarify these details.