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Unable to confirm timesheet due to job hours and attendance hours mismatch

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies


I'm reaching out for assistance regarding an issue I'm facing with confirming my timesheet in IFS. Despite following the recommended troubleshooting steps, I haven't been able to resolve the problem.

The main issue is a mismatch between the reported job hours and the attendance hours, resulting in an error message when attempting to confirm the timesheet: "Not all days could be confirmed. To confirm the remaining days, reconcile their job and attendance hours."

Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:

1. Log in to the IFS ERP system.
2. Navigate to the Time Registration screen.
3. Attempt to confirm the timesheet for the current period.
4. The error message "Not all days could be confirmed. To confirm the remaining days, reconcile their job and attendance hours" appears.

I've taken the following steps to try and resolve the issue:

1. Verified the Wage Code 'T-Time' associated with my Schedule (37.5 hours) has the correct Wage Code Type set as 'Normal'.
2. Unticked the option 'Allow Manual Results' on the Wage Code 'T-Time' to match the configuration in the CFG environment.
3. Tried to complete the timesheet using the Time Registration screen, but the Normal Time reported shows as 'Not Completed'.
4. Navigated to the 'My Time Card-Details' screen and reported time using the 'Normal' Wage Type. This shows the Time Card-Details for the week as Completed.
5. Attempted to confirm the timesheet again, but the same error persists.

Additional Information:
- A new option 'Generate Normal Hours For Job Hours' is now visible on the Time Registration screen, but this option is not present in the CFG environment.


10 replies

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 281 replies
  • April 4, 2024


What setting do you you have on the property in Company details for this? JOBRECON

Also note that you can set a tolerance value for this in the Work Hour Rule




  • Hero (Partner)
  • 72 replies
  • April 4, 2024



What is the employee’s time base settings?  Are you using schedules with sum of hours or day types?  Where were the hours entered in originally? in which screen.

If you look at the time registration screen you have a red bar - so whatever you are doing is not completing the job hours required as this would be grey if you had registered the hours.

Allowing manual results would only allow you to select normal hours as a wage type.

Do you want the job hours to reconcile or not?

Kind Regards


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • April 4, 2024

The JOBRECON is set to DAILY. We have a No-Reconciliation rule set up on the Work Hour Rule as a Rule Type but this No-Reconciliation rule isn’t linked to my Employee record as such.

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 72 replies
  • April 4, 2024

Company properties are assigned to the company, if your employee is within that company then they are part of that rule.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • April 4, 2024

@R Lum Wai Hi Rachel, The Employee Time Base is set to ‘Generated results’ and the Time Registration Employee Time Base is set to ‘Job hour controlled wage hours’. We are using Schedules  with sum of hours. This is affecting all users (5-10) who are using this UAT environment this week as something has changed and this was working fine till last week.


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • April 4, 2024

Also this option  ‘Generate Normal Hours for Job Hours’ wasn’t visible earlier and I can’t see this option enabled on the CFG environment where we don’t have this issue.



Hi @amith,

Reviewing the second screenshot in your attached document, I noticed that the reported job hours appear to have created attendance as expected, but it is still showing a diff for the attendance (as indicated by the ‘Attendance 7.5h’ in red text).

This could indicate that the My Time Registration page doesn’t see your schedule info for some reason, or that the generated attendance is perhaps not of type Normal hours.

If you report time in My Time Registration and then review the time card, do you see generated Normal hours there as expected, and do these match the scheduled hours?

You mentioned that it worked last week. Has anything changed since then? Perhaps something has been installed in the environment, or is there any schedule data or similar that was only valid until last week?

Kind regards,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Hi @Johan Lagerström , Thanks for your response.


  1. I just tried to add the Time booking on my timesheet and after I add hours to a project as I normally do, the time gets added, however at the bottom of the day, it still shows as ‘Not Completed’
Time Registration screenshot
  1. After clicking on Time Card Details, the Normal hours don’t show up here on it’s own and there is a Schedule Difference of -37.50 hours
  1. The Schedule on my Employee File is within a valid Date Range as below:
Schedule on my Employee File
  1. One of the changes that I have made is that we have created 4 new wage classes in addition to the existing wage classes we’ve got (Monthly, Weekly) and copied the Wage codes from Monthly Wage class to the Monthly-OT wage class, however these Wage classes haven’t been connected to any employee record. I have also tried to delete the Wage classes to see if it makes a difference, but even after deleting the new Wage classes (M-OT,M-NOT, SCOT-OT, SCOT-NOT) , the issue still persists and this is affecting all our test users (5-10 users). I think for some reason, it’s just not generating Normal hours as you can see from the Time-Card details screenshot.


  • Hero (Partner)
  • 72 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Hi @amith without having a look at the database this is going to be hard to resolve.


As I mentioned and as Johan has also mentioned the issue is that the system is not consuming the hours that you are booking against the expected hours and therefore it thinks that the time has not been completed. Which is why the bar is red and not grey.

This could be for a number of reasons.

You may be best off raising a support case.

Kind regards




  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • April 5, 2024

Thanks Rachel, we’ve raised a support case for this now. 


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