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Time writing table/view


Working with IFS10, not sure which upgrade.


Question is simple, which view/table contains time writing data and where the time has been written to?

I have looked in TIME_PERS_DIARY* views and tables and also EMPLOYEE_WORK_TIME_INFO views/tables but non of them seems to include where time is booked to (i.e. work order, WBS etc...)



Best answer by LenaicDAVID


You might want to have a look at the table called TIMMAN_JOB_TRANS to see if you find the data you are looking for.

Kind regards,


View original

Hero (Employee)


You might want to have a look at the table called TIMMAN_JOB_TRANS to see if you find the data you are looking for.

Kind regards,



Thank you @LenaicDAVID this looks very promising.

A few more questions,


  1. The format is not favourable when working with Power BI, i.e. hours is split into 7 columns, one for each day. Is the same information available in a classic tabular format elsewhere? Or would the solution to create a new view based on the data in TIMMAN_JOB_TRANS?
  2. It does not seem like time writing for all employees are available in this table/view. Are there only certain type of transactions available in TIMMAN_JOB_TRANS? i.e. transactions for one type of time writing? It might also be due to internal 



Hero (Employee)

I am not aware of a table that would gather all job transactions in a classic tabular format. Maybe somewhere in Finance ?

But you have such tables, at least in the Project module (PROJECT_TRANSACTION) and the Maintenance module for time reporting on Work Task (JT_TASK_TRANSACTION_UTIL).

For your second question, I cannot tell. You might want to identify some missing transactions and open a Case to IFS Support to investigate.

Kind regards


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