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we entered a card reader to a time clock in IFSCloud.

If I clock in by typing in the EmpNo the clocking is in the time card.


If we use the card reader, there is not clocking in or out.


If we use the card reader for name


we get the right employee, but the data are still in LOV not directly in the field:

What is the trick, to get the cardnumber after reading through the card reader, directly into the Employee-field and an ok?


The employee has a schedule, is a time clock user and the card is connected to the right employee.



Have you selected ‘Card Driven Execution’ for the Time Clock type?


Best Regards,

There are two way to use NFC enabled cards.

  1. You can go to a particular window and swipe the card. The clock-in will be registered automatically.
  2. You can click on the clock-in button but the window will not be opened. Within a given time-out period you have to swipe the card. Then the clock-in will be registered.

In order to do this you have to do some configuration in these windows.

For and example consider the Clock-in window. You have to define the clock-in window as ‘Card Driven Execution’ Enabled(highlighted in the above screenshot).


Then to define the format of the card, below window can be used.



A card number must be assigned to the employee and it will be visible in the below screen.


Yes, we have a card driven execution for in and out.

But in case of clicking in and swiping the card over the reader, nothing happens.


In case of “Name” where we don’t have a card driven execution we see, the employee is correct choosen. So the connection between card number and employee is correct.

We changed the setting for “Name” also to  “Card Driven Execution”.

Now we also get the information to swipe the card, when we swiped it already.


This is the same issue as in IN or Out.

The error was in Employee Card Parameters, as these parameters wer not linked to the Terminal-User.


IFSCloud works fine on this, there is no further settig and reader also works fine, thank for your help!