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Hi ,


In My scenario in employee file file under the direct supervisor we are having more supervisors for one person . How can a 1 supervisor can be assigned 


@ADDMARIAE ​@Dharshankumaar Mahendran 

Hi ​@sarahk 

There are multiple supervisors displayed because all the supervisors are connected one position.

Lets take like this for example. I'm working as Accountant in an organisation and according to the hierarchy Senior accountant position is my superior position so is my supervisor. 

But your seeing multiple supervisors because there are many employees connected to the Senior Accountant position. So If you review the employee file of the supervisor employees you would notice this and you can re-assign them to different positions and keep only the right supervisor

Hi ​@Dharshankumaar Mahendran  


Our Scenario is 

There are 2 supervisors (a,b) with Manager position and 10 employees(1-10) with Employee position 

and the organization are also different as shown below


When we are enabling the Include Subordinate option we can see 2 supervisors for each employee


If we are not enabling the Include Subordinate option we cant see any data in supervisor column



“Our requirment is we should have one supervisor for each employee”
