Hi @PaulinaPi
How many different schedules does the employee clock in? I would still say using day type for a period of your cycle is good option
Everyday employee has a different start tim. So I’m looking for solution which will not be related to the type of the day or solution which let me register realy clock in but may round 15min?
If the availability should be used in the maintenance/service Gantt’s and free time search, it’s mainly the HR Schedules and Day Types to be used in Apps9. Please check the Availability Planning “Gantt” that should be under Time Management/Schedule and Rules/Availability. The Availability Planning “Gantt” are mainly developed to support availability planning in general….
When we get to IFS Cloud 23R2 and further, there is an additional availability planning level is implemented to support the availability planning that are used in service and maintenance.
I don’t have Time Management/Schedule and Rules/Availability. So that is interesting what you are writing. For result whitch you show me, didn’t need use day_type? The Cloud version has this solution?
The screen shoot is from IFS Cloud 23R2 but I can see that the main part also exist in Cloud 23R1… but due to all this get more developed and improved in every Cloud Relese, I recomend to get a demo from as late release as possible… //Janne