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Remove Confirmation Ability

  • December 21, 2023
  • 5 replies


Good Day.  We have been attempting to remove the ability to unconfirm time registrations for employees in our company.  We would like them to be able to register time and confirm their time.  However we do not want them to be able to remove confirmation once complete, we only want supervisors to be able to unconfirm their time.  We have attempted to set this up through Access Attribute but can’t figure out the correct configuration.  Does anyone know how to set this up so employees can not remove confirmation?


Best answer by Magnus Johansson

Hi David,

You are fully correct about where you need to go to control what you are after. Confirmation thereafter has it own row. Please view picture below for the correct setting.

However, keep in mind that if you implement this, the employees will need to ask for assistance from Manager or HR whenever they - after Confirmation - discover an error or remember that they have forgotten to report something. I have never encountered any issues with Employees being able to Confirm/Remove Confirmation up until the time of the Manager’s authorization. Once the authorization is made, Employees cannot remove the Confirmation anymore.

Best Regards,

View original

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • December 22, 2023

We believe that the configuration is done in Access Attribute/Time& Attendance/Time Card/Time_Reg_No_Auth and believe that the settings for the New Value/Old Value need to be changed but we don not know what they would be need to be changed to in order to remove the ability to unconfirm.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



Hi David,

You are fully correct about where you need to go to control what you are after. Confirmation thereafter has it own row. Please view picture below for the correct setting.

However, keep in mind that if you implement this, the employees will need to ask for assistance from Manager or HR whenever they - after Confirmation - discover an error or remember that they have forgotten to report something. I have never encountered any issues with Employees being able to Confirm/Remove Confirmation up until the time of the Manager’s authorization. Once the authorization is made, Employees cannot remove the Confirmation anymore.

Best Regards,

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • January 9, 2024


                   Thank you for the reply.  I agree that changing the setting so an employee cannot remove confirmation will probably cause more problems than it fixes (we will see).  We also identified that the employee we were testing on had HR application manager access granted so it kept overriding the command.  I attempted to use the setup you suggested but it still allowed an employee to unconfirm.  Maybe that is a setting used for a previous version of IFS?  We resolved the issue by turning the Remove toggle switch to off in the access attributes.



No, I tested the settings in a 23R1 SU3 environment. I would therefore say that the settings are very much up to date.

You must test this on an Employee with only the Self-Access Role and no other Position Access or HR Application Manager access. Make sure to test it in My Self-Service > My Time and Attendance.

As mentioned, I however do not really see the purpose of removing this option for the Employees.


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • January 9, 2024

Yes. I tried it on a base employee and that worked correctly.  Thank you so much for your assistance.  


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