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How to enter Leave quota


Pls advice me how to enter leave quota in APP10. I used to use Balance start value in 7.5. But it seem that APP10 using different way to enter leave quota. For example in my company we have 30 days for sick leave, and 13 day for annual leave. I want to know which screen to enter this quota.

Thanks for your help

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  • Superhero (Employee)
  • March 7, 2021
DalRungtM wrote:

Pls advice me how to enter leave quota in APP10. I used to use Balance start value in 7.5. But it seem that APP10 using different way to enter leave quota. For example in my company we have 30 days for sick leave, and 13 day for annual leave. I want to know which screen to enter this quota.

Thanks for your help

I’m no HR expert but given it’s Sunday and you might be stuck without an answer until tomorrow, I’ll point you to where I’ve done it in Aurena. I’ve generated these limits from Absence Limits By Group or Absence Limit Year.


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

Many Thanks I will check as you adviced.


Rungtip M.

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021



If you want to continue to use balances that is possible just as before - balance start value is there. Note that absence limits and balances are not the same thing. Using absence limits requires absence configuration.

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

Hi Addmariae

  1. As I checked when we use absence registration assistant, we need to choose absence type from LOV. And I already set up leave config, but I cannot find screen to enter leave balance of each absence type. Or it can only be maintained at Absence Year Limit via Aurena as Anmise adviced. 
  2. Incase that I would like to use balance start value, how to do absence request??

Kindly reply, Rungtip M.



Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

To be able to use absence request in Apps 10 you must have absence types, but the absence types can be connected to wage codes so you can handle this in Time Card just as before and use balances.

In absence configuration you connect the absence type to wage code under tab TA Association

Also note that you must set the checkboxes for “Request parameters”: automatic donfirmation or should the employee confirm before the manager gets the request, do you want absence to be entered automatically when approved?


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

Hi Addmariae

I already set up as you adviced, but how I can enter absence quota for each type. Or I need to enter at Absence limit year via Aurena as Anmise adviced.

Kindly suggest me.

Rungtip M.

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

If I understood you right, in apps7.5 you used Time Balance? You can continue using balances as you used to do in Apps 7.5.

If this is an upgrade to APPs 10 you still have all your time balances and you can use them in the same way.

Do you don’t have to use absence limits if you don’t want to. There are pros and cons for using one or the other, for many companies I think the “best practise” is a combination of these.


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • March 7, 2021

Hi Addmariae

As you mentioned combination of these, I would like to confirm if it the right setting for combination.

  1. Set absence type id ANN
  1. create wage code ANWA
  2. Set absence config of absence type ANN 
    connect wage code  ANWA at TA association tab and connect wage code ANWA at Balance Definition.


Rungtip M.

Dharshankumaar Mahendran
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @DalRungtM 


Once you have configured your absence. Navigate to the absence window and to the Absence Limit Year tab

You should be able to see the Absence group ID “ANN”. RMB on the window and select “Generate Limit”

Once you select the absence limit Generation wizard will open and in that select your Absence Type ID and you should be able to define the limit for the period

Moreover you must have defined the Absence Type as Editable Absence Type in Absence Configuration inorder for you to define the limit(Initial Value)



Hope this helps

Best Regards,

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • April 25, 2021

Hi Dharshankumaar

Thanks for your advice.

Rungtip M.

Dharshankumaar Mahendran
Superhero (Partner)

Hi @DalRungtM 

Did it work well ?



  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • May 4, 2021

็Hi Dharshankumaar


Sorry for late reply. Sofar I cannot test your solutions, since Chengsi Demo database is still down.

Once I can test it , I will enter test in this case.



Rungtip M.

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