Unfortunately Travel request doesn’t work at all like other parts of HCM when it comes to access. Please enter a case to IFS support so they know that there are more customers requiring corrections here.
Some notes from my tests:
- No one can change anything on a travel request if there are lines for detailed approval (not even the HR Admins.
- Employee can't revert status on the option
- The approver can only Approve or Reject, not change anything or "send it back" to the employee
- Seems like you can't have the same initial approver and detail approver???
Hello Maria. Based on your feedback I tested your point re Detail Approval and sure enough, when I removed the Detail Approval, I was able to Edit the TR (one created for an Employee superior to me). We have a Case open with IFS already re the Edit issue and I have now sent them this feedback. It doesn’t solve our problem since we need the Detail Approval (we use the Code Part section), but it is the 1st time we have some movement on this issue, so thank you very much!
Agree with you regarding the point about only being able to Approve or Reject and not being able to “send it back”...
Thanks again for your assistance, really appreciate it!