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We are currently experiencing an issue with how the absence calendar is displayed. The way Windows 10's scaling works at 100% and above causes the absence calendar to be cut off on smaller displays even at 100% scaling.

Do you experience the same issue? We would be pleased hear from you with a possible solution. 

Thank you in advance.  



Hi @MC_Support,


The absence calendar doesn't scale properly under Windows 10 and is cut off at different scaling Levels (125%/150% and up). As higher scaling Settings are defaulted by Windows users complain when Setting lower scaling Levels as they also results in much smaller text in other applications.  Solution 262659 fixes this issue.



Hi @MC_Support ,

The same issue was resolved in IFSAPP09 through Bug ID : 150812.

Best Regards,


Hi  @Thanushi J 


Thank you very much for the quick feedback. Where can I find the Bug ID : 150812.?


Best Regards,


Hi @MC_Support ,

Since it is a bug you may need to report a case to IFS Support to resolve the issue. If your issue and the issue reported for Bug : 150812 is the same, then they will provide a fix for it. The only concern is that the bug was reported for IFSAPP09 and your issue is in IFSAPP10. It could be the same issue and could be not too.

Best Regards,

