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When adding a new contact method for an employee in Aurena, there is an option to link it to an address ID.

Once saved, I don’t seem to be able to change this? Below are the options the user is presented with when trying to edit a contact method.


As far as I can see, one can change the value, validity period and default toggle but there is no option to link it to a different address ID or remove the link altogether.

Is this a bug that has already been reported or am I missing a step here?





I am not aware of this being raised already.  It looks like the address ID option has not been applied to contacts in Aurena.  I would suggest raising a case on this as it might be entered in error and having to delete and re-enter adds extra steps.

Kind Regards



Hi @MariaN,


As you identified it can change the value, validity period and default toggle but there is no option to link it to a different address ID or remove the link altogether. Seems this bug has not been reported. Hence, I would like to suggest you to raise a case on this.


Best Regards,


@milagb @Chandima Pathirana 

I reported this as a bug in November 2021. I was sent a workaround but that was not feasible. I am still waiting on a fix for it. 

Hi @MariaN,


Could you please communicate the limitation of the workaround via the same case.


Best Regards,

I am new in Arena Simulation Software, and I would like to know how I can simulate in a Process, a machine that has a specific capacity, like 1500 kg per hour. I think that capacity in Resources is how many machines has a Process station,and i would like to know how I can simulate my problem.

Hi @MariaN

Would it be possible to share the Case or Solution ID so I can forward this to our TPC? A client is facing the same issue… This would be great!

Kind regards, 


@Chandima Pathirana Below was the suggestion:

“Hi Maria,

Kindly note that the expected behavior could be done as follows.


1. Navigate to;

Human Capital Management->HCM Services->Employee Management->Employee File->Personal Information->Private Contact Information


2. Filter the employee and verify that there are two addresses and one with a  Contact Method.


3. Now navigate to;

Human Capital Management->Manager Services->People and Organization->Personal Information Change


4. Filter the employee and press to the Modify button option and then on the toggle of Contact Method.


5. In there all the contact method will be listed and can select the required contact method that needed to change the address. By clicking the Edit option, you will navigate to Modify Contact Methods dialogue.


6. In the Modify Contact Methods dialogue, under the Address ID, the current linked address displays as the Old Value, and by selecting an address from the New Value LOV, the user can change the address. Then a new address will be linked to the selected contact method, of the employee.


7. Then the request will be listed in the Current Requests (in the Personal Information Change page) as a Modification. Once the request will be confirmed and Approved, the change will be in the Employee File->Personal Information->Private Contact Information page.


This is the way that the system is designed in order to change the linked address of a contact method of an employee.”


I rejected this because the process described is applicable when an employee or manager wants to change the link to the contact method but it still doesn’t allow HR staff to alter it in the application without submitting a change request themselves. That is obviously adding more unnecessary work for them.


Hi Anny,

The case number is G2298746. It is still open and RnD seem to believe that this behaviour was never possible in EE, not now or in previous versions. I am not sure they understood the problem because this was possible since at least 7.5 and still is in EE in Apps 10 so I don’t understand why they are saying it is not. Hopefully this is just a misunderstanding and will be resolved soon. I suggested a call to demonstrate the problem.

Hi @MariaN,


When looking at the case it seems RnD has considered this as an enhancement request, so hopefully this will be considered in the future releases.


Best Regards,
