Hi All,
I’m trying to add a Property code to an Organization Unit in a ‘Matrix’ Organization Structure in IFS Cloud. But, I cannot see any properties, even though the ‘only Assigned Properties’ checkbox is disabled. Currently, there are values defined in the ‘Property Field Definition’ (basic data) for ‘Context’ type = ‘Organization’.

I can assign a property to top most level level in the Matrix by adding values to the available records when the ‘only Assigned Properties’ checkbox is disabled.

There’s no issue when adding property codes for Company structures for any level.
We can do this in APP9 and APP10 environments without any issue.
Please let me know if there is any other window or steps need to be taken that wasn’t mentioned to add properties to lower level Organization Unit in a Matrix Structure.
Version: IFS Cloud 22R2
Thank you in advance for your help. 😊