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Why PDF_PARAMETER_XX not fetching data in PDF_REPORT_CREATED event action

  • September 22, 2021
  • 9 replies


Hi all,

I am using PDF_REPORT_CREATED event action to send a mail but it is not fetching values for pdf parameters. I found a workaround from the community community post , it is extract data from the report xml. But if there is any change of order of the tags, the values won’t fetch correctly. So, I’m looking for a suggestion/ solution to get values to pdf parameters. 
I’m using IFS Apps 10 UPD12.

I have attached the current output (body) of the mail from the event.

Please let me know if there is any suggestions.


Thank you in Advance!

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9 replies


In order to be familiar with this functionality, login to the application.  Go to either customer order or purchase order screen. While on the header of either screen, press F1. This will get you the help and on the header portion of the help screen there is a link to about email reports. Follow the instructions and you will see which action will fetch which PDF values and you should be able to get a detail information.


I also would suggest you to pay attention to your event variables. 

  • Author
  • 276 replies
  • October 21, 2021

Hi @Lakmal Vithanachchi , Thank you for your suggestion. The event is currently working when I print the report. I was able to fetch required data using result key as a work around. But PDF_PARAMETER_1, PDF_PARAMETER_2 .. variables don’t fetch any value as you can see it in the above screen print. I was able to use those variables in some other environments. Data would be more accurate if I could get data from those variable.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 63 replies
  • January 13, 2022

Hi @MitDenukN 

I face exactly the same problem with PDF Variables empty.

They are populated when I manually print the PDF.

They are empty when I programmatically print the PDF.

Did you ever got a soluition for it, or is it indeed a bug in UPD12?

  • Author
  • 276 replies
  • January 13, 2022

H @dominikdurrer , I got a workaround from the following community post.

Please let us know if you got something new on this issue.

  • Author
  • 276 replies
  • January 27, 2022

Now we are struggling to find this issue again as we found an environment even this workaround also not working.

Hi @dominikdurrer , were you able to find a solution for this issue?

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2022



there’s something that has helped us.


We’ve set the values in the RDF-File, of course at a point of time, when all values are available.


Important: Delete all values from the Pdf_Report_Event_Param_Tab before creating new parameters:



In text:


DELETE Pdf_Report_Event_Param_Tab
         WHERE report_id = '&VIEW';

         Pdf_Report_Event_Param_API.New_Parameter ('&VIEW', 'PDF_EVENT_PARAM_1', 'STRING', Contact_Util_API.Get_Supp_Comm_Method_Value(header_rec_.vendor_no, header_rec_.doc_addr_no,, 'E_MAIL'));
         Pdf_Report_Event_Param_API.New_Parameter ('&VIEW', 'PDF_EVENT_PARAM_5', 'STRING', header_rec_.authorizer);
         Pdf_Report_Event_Param_API.New_Parameter ('&VIEW', 'PDF_EVENT_PARAM_15', 'STRING', header_rec_.authorizer_email);
         Pdf_Report_Event_Param_API.New_Parameter ('&VIEW', 'PDF_EVENT_PARAM_6', 'STRING', next_order_no_);  



Hope this helps,






  • Author
  • 276 replies
  • January 28, 2022

Thank you for the suggestion @stephan.lueck .

Those customers using the standard rdf and as I know, it is not allowed to do modifications to those.

Are you suggesting me to create a new report? Kindly advise me.

Those reports used to work properly earlier :( 

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 5 replies
  • January 28, 2022

Hi @MitDenukN ,


yes, you’re right, we’ve modified the standard RDF.


We’ve been allowed to do this because this is part of our customization requirements.


As far as I know, modifications of the IFS standard RDF are allowed if the IFS given rules are followed.


At least that’s what I’ve done when working for an IFS partner in Germany.


So I would suggest that you check what could be possible for you - if creating a new report is the only option, OK, I don’t know. I’ve modified the IFS standard.






  • Author
  • 276 replies
  • January 31, 2022

Thank you so much for your opinion and I will check this & let you know :)

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