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How can I visualise the Custom Fields created from IFS, in Business Report?


Thank you very much.


Best regards.

I don't know, so I asked Copilot 🙃 Looks right but beware hallucinations...

To visualize Custom Fields created from IFS in a Business Report, you can follow these steps:

1. **Enable Custom Fields for Reports**: Ensure that the report has been enabled for Custom Fields. Most standard IFS reports are already enabled, which means the RDF (Report Definition File) has been updated to include the Custom Fields connected to the Logical Units (LUs) that the report is based upon².

2. **Use Report Designer Tool**: Custom Fields will appear in the Report Designer tool and can be added to layouts just like normal fields. You can find more details on how to work with Custom Fields in the Report Designer tool in the technical documentation².

3. **Query Custom Field Views**: If you want to see custom fields, you can search for the _CFV view to get your custom fields. For example, `customer_order` will have a `customer_order_cfv` view which you can query with a custom report³.

4. **Connect LUs to Report Block**: Connect LUs to a Report Block using a metadata method call. Also, clear the table from connections to maintain a well-maintained metadata table. Then, bring up the row keys in the cursor and make calls to add custom fields to the XML⁴.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully visualize the Custom Fields in your Business Report. For detailed instructions and guidance, you may refer to the IFS technical documentation and community forums²³. If you encounter any performance issues, remember that each Custom Field has an attribute column called "Enabled for Reports" that controls whether it is brought into the report data (XML), which can be turned off if necessary².

Källa: Samtal med Copilot, 2024-06-14

(1) Custom Fields in Reports - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud.

(2) using custom field in quick report | IFS Community.

(3) Custom Fields in Reports - IFS.

(4) Visualise the Custom Fields created from IFS, in Business Report.

(5) Custom Fields in Reports -

Hi @MiguelAlejos 

there are pages called 

Relations for facts - to make connection between the fact you are using and the views with custom fields

Custom attributes for facts  - to bring the additional fields into the Fact

After these are defined you just need to refresh online data in IFS business reporter.

Let me know if you need further support. 


