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Is there a way to see which entities are actively being worked on by developers within the Build Place?

We have both internal and external developers actively working on CRIM development and currently we just advise each other of the areas we are working on during daily/weekly meetings.

Ideally we’d like to be able to see in Build Place who is working on each Entity at any given time.  Is there a way to do this?  Is there a way where developers essentially ‘checkout’ the Entity they are working on?

@LauraB the code development is controlled by Git. So, at any time you access the Git repo in Azure DevOps and see what development is being done on each topic/feature branch.

Of course, this would mean that the developers commit their changes in the remote repo and not work only locally + you would need some knowledge of GIT to navigate your way through different branches.

By pressing the below button in the Buildplace you’ll be able to reach the Azure DevOps repo and from there look at the work that is done on different branches.

