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Hello All,

Currently, users are unable to log in to the Apps9 environment every morning. As an alternative, customer restart the services and it fixes the issue temporarily. 

In HTTP logs we found below mentioned error,

>2024-03-06T07:23:16.1578+01:00] OHS] WARNING:32] AH01873] ossl] host_id: DEMA-SRV64] host_addr:] pid: 11552] tid: 668] user: SYSTEM] VirtualHost: main] AH01873: Init: Session Cache is not configured hint: SSLSessionCache]
>2024-03-06T07:23:16.1734+01:00] OHS] ERROR:32] OH99999] weblogic] host_id: DEMA-SRV64] host_addr:] pid: 11552] tid: 668] user: SYSTEM] VirtualHost: main] Lowering WLMaxWebSocketClients to 450. Increase ThreadsPerChild to support more connections
>2024-03-06T07:23:17.0172+01:00] OHS] NOTIFICATION:16] OH99999] weblogic] host_id: DEMA-SRV64] host_addr:] pid: 11552] tid: 668] user: SYSTEM] VirtualHost: main] WebLogic Server Plugin version <WLSPLUGINS_12.>
>2024-03-06T07:23:17.0172+01:00] OHS] NOTIFICATION:16] AH00354] mpm_winnt] host_id: DEMA-SRV64] host_addr:] pid: 11552] tid: 668] user: SYSTEM] VirtualHost: main] AH00354: Child: Starting 600 worker threads.


Afterwards, we increased the ThreadsPerChild to 900 and users are still unable to login in the morning without a service restart. We get below error in http logs now.

e2024-03-08T07:35:17.1459+01:00] 0OHS] SWARNING:32] 2AH01873] 3ossl] lhost_id: DEMA-SRV64] 4host_addr:] 4pid: 4276] 6tid: 620] 0user: SYSTEM] MVirtualHost: main] AH01873: Init: Session Cache is not configured ehint: SSLSessionCache]
2024-03-08T07:35:17.1615+01:00] 0OHS] SERROR:32] 2OH99999] 9weblogic] chost_id: DEMA-SRV64] 4host_addr:] 4pid: 4276] 6tid: 620] 0user: SYSTEM] MVirtualHost: main] Lowering WLMaxWebSocketClients to 675. Increase ThreadsPerChild to support more connections
2024-03-08T07:35:18.0053+01:00] 0OHS] SNOTIFICATION:16] 6OH99999] 9weblogic] chost_id: DEMA-SRV64] 4host_addr:] 4pid: 4276] 6tid: 620] 0user: SYSTEM] MVirtualHost: main] WebLogic Server Plugin version <WLSPLUGINS_12.>
2024-03-08T07:35:18.0053+01:00] 0OHS] SNOTIFICATION:16] 6AH00354] 4mpm_winnt] thost_id: DEMA-SRV64] 4host_addr:] 4pid: 4276] 6tid: 620] 0user: SYSTEM] MVirtualHost: main] AH00354: Child: Starting 900 worker threads.


Does this mean that we need to increase the Threads Per Child value more or is there something I am missing?

This is from build properties file


Any feedback is much appreciated!
Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards,

FYI, the issue was fixed after updating the Threads Per Child value to 2500.
