Unexpected internal server error occurred in Integration
Is there any limitation for having nested List of Structures in REST API Integration
Like below
In above image each AnalysisNo object within AnalysisNo array have inner array called DataPoints,
when I'm having the inner array I'm getting the below error, but when I tried to execute that function in PLSQL its executed without any error
without that Inner array it works fine as below
Is there a limitation like this or any workaround for this?
Below are the projection function and the structures
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Hi @faiyazrafeek,
According to the documentation, it is possible. I think the problem is that you have defined the nested structure as another ‘attribute’, instead of an ‘array’. Following documentation might help you update the structure as appropriate:
//throws error function GetInMessage Structure(InMessageStr) { parameter MessageId Integer; }
FUNCTION Get_In_Message___ ( message_id_ IN INTEGER) RETURN In_Message_Str_Rec IS BEGIN RETURN Get_In_Message_Str_Rec___(message_id_); END Get_In_Message___;
I am taking the virtual blended sessions for Integration API Development training and just got the same issue, with actions I can save structures with inner arrays, with functions I always get internal error message when I try to query a structure with an array. Were you able to figure this out?
If I comment the array line in the Overridden entity the Query works just fine.