I would like to share a piece of information on a term which you may have heard of more than once in the world of business software. It is none other than "license".
In software industry, a software license can be defined as an agreement that gives an individual, a company or an organization permission to use a software application. The same applies to IFS. A license is required in order to use IFS Applications.
When you are dealing with customers, it is highly probable that you have encountered several types of licensing. Let me give a brief idea on types of licensing in IFS applications.There there are 4 types of licenses.
1. Full User
2. Limited Task User (LTU)
3. Additional Task User (ATU)
4. Custom Task User (CTU)
Let’s understand what those are a little bit more.
1.Full User License
- This is the most common license consumed by majority of users
An F1 user will consume one full user license if :The user is a registered F1 user and is active.
The F1 user is granted access to at least one permission set, that is not a Technical permission set (FND_RUNTIME) and not an LTU (Limited Task User) permission set.
Exception: exceeded LTU(LTU limit) license will count as Full User license.
2.Limited Task User (LTU)
- LTU is a license limiting the functionality.
- A user can consume this license instead of a Full User License.
- An LTU license is bound to a permission set.
An F1 user will consume one limited user license (LTU) “X” if :The user is a registered F1 user and is active
The F1 user is granted access to permission set “X” and not to any other permission sets (Excluding FND_RUNTIME or other LTU permission sets).
3.Additional Task User (ATU)
- An ATU license is bound to a predefined permission set delivered by IFS.
An F1 user will consume one additional task user (ATU) license, “X”, if :The user is a registered F1 user and is active
The F1 user is granted access to permission set “X”.
This is a license that is additional to the Full User license. So that a Full User, by default, would not get an ATU licensed functionality.
Business Scenario: This type of limited license is used to control number of users allowed for built in third party tools or other extension to IFS.Currently it's used for Oracle Autovue document viewer, Bing Map and Fndmig Excel Plugin.
4.Custom Task User (CTU)
- This license is used when we want to control usage of IFS Applications where the user is not a Foundation1 User.
- The license consumption is calculated using a specific view, instead of counting F1 users.
A user will consume one custom task user (CTU) license, "X", if:The user is having access to specific functionality in IFS Applications that require a custom task user license which is defined by the CTU it self
Business Scenario: Normally this type of user license is PD maintained. These are licenses that are not delivered within full user licenses. Eg: time clock, shop order workbench and data warehouse collection.
I hope this information would be useful. See you soon with another post.