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We are on Apps10-UPD21.
Since 2 days in a row we receive license errors. Our license is valid till 2029.
We logged this @ IFS support. Yesterday they applied a new license , but the issue disappeared just before. Today the issue is back again and also disappeared after a few hours.
IFS cloud mention they did not change anything ??

Are there other companies experiencing the same issue ?




Peter Heeren

Hi @pheeren ,


Are you seeing any mention of the license being invalid in the License Managed screen? If not, it’s quite likely that you are seeing this not because of an actual license issue but some other issue with the MW connection to the database. I’ve seen instances in the past where issues with the connection pools incorrectly displaying the license when the actual issue was somewhere else.  If you are in Managed Cloud i would ask Support to take a look at the ManagedServer logs to find out exactly what is going on. 


Hi ,
The license was valid for another 4 years.
IFS Managed Support restarted the servers. Now the issue is solved.


