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Hi Community,


We are getting below error when trying to install K8s on Linux box. Does anyone have an idea to resolve this?

.\main.ps1 -resource 'KUBERNETES'



New-SSHSession : Session operation has timed out
At D:\ifs\UGP\23.2.3\ifsroot\utils\common.psm1:43 char:23
+ ... LOBAL:ssh = New-SSHSession -Computer $NodeName -Credential $cred -Key ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationTimeout: (Renci.SshNet.SshClient:SshClient) CNew-SSHSession], SshOperationTimeo
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SSH.NewSshSession

Exception Occured While Opening Connection with the Linux Box.
2024-05-15 08:09:59.01   068077 Stop Open-ConnectionsWithLinuxBox
D:\ifs\UGP\23.2.3\ifsroot\main.ps1 : Error found in ScriptHalted. Please check logs for details.
At line:1 char:1
+ .\main.ps1 -resource 'KUBERNETES'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:)  Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,main.ps1



hi @Rusiiiru ,

Any update on this problem? I am having the same issue.





Gianni Neves

Hi Gianni,

From you Windows Management server, please verify SSH connectivity to the Linux VM directly with SSH.

ssh ifs@<dns or ip address of your linux vm>

Enter your password if prompted. If unsuccessful please infix -vvv between ssh and ifs to add verbose logging output and share the output.

If using DNS please ensure that the name resolves.

nslookup <dns name for your linux vm>

Do you have a firewall or proxy between your these two servers that may interfere with connectivity?

Best regards -- Ben

Hi @bemose ,


thanks for the answer.

ssh from MGT to MW works fine.


Gianni Neves

Hi Gianni,

Is this a recycled / previously used Windows Management server? There may be artifacts from a previous installation interfering. Please try the following to cleanup:

Get-SSHTrustedHost | Remove-SSHTrustedHost

Best regards -- Ben

@Ben Monroe ,


I’ve already run the commands you suggested (part of my script). After restarting my MGT server, I am getting the following error:


Everything was working fine today, till I decided to update remote boostrap and remote boostrap binaries.



Finally works. I need to delete the BIN repository completely and re-copy the last version, and now it is working.

Thanks you very much for your help @Ben Monroe .


Gianni Neves

Hi ​@gianni.neves ;


  • I’m having the same issue as mentioned above post


  • Could you please support on what you mean by ‘’ delete the BIN repository completely and re-copy the last version,’’ above? n is it ‘..\ifsroot\bin ]?



Hi ​@Dilshan Aththanayake 

I believe its below folder


Hi ​@Rusiiiru ;

  • Thank you for the input
  • Here i’m already using the relevant version form BuildPlace for Binaries.
  • You mean we have to remove /bin and recopy the relevant version again . 



