I checked the related posts in community but, I couldn't find what I wanted.
I want to send an order report by e-mail when any process starts or continues. e.g; When the approval process for the sales quotation is completed, the quotation report will be sent to the relevant parties by e-mail.
How do I add and send order reports in email? Can anyone help?
I can generate the report with the following plsql commands, but I cannot send it as an e-mail attachment.
layout_name_ VARCHAR(2000) := 'OrderQuotationRep.rdl';
report_id_ VARCHAR2(2000) := 'ORDER_QUOTATION_REP';
report_attr_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
parameter_attr_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
quotation_no_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
line_no_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
rel_no_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
result_key_ VARCHAR2(2000);
distribution_list_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
print_attr_ VARCHAR2(2000) := '';
client_sys.add_to_attr('REPORT_ID', report_id_, report_attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('LAYOUT_NAME', layout_name_, report_attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('QUOTATION_NO', quotation_no_, parameter_attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('LINE_NO', line_no_, parameter_attr_);
client_sys.add_to_attr('REL_NO', rel_no_, parameter_attr_);
archive_api.new_client_report(result_key_, report_attr_, parameter_attr_, distribution_list_, print_attr_);
--command_sys.mail('IFSAPP', 'IFSADMIN', 'The order report is attached..', attach_ => attachments_, subject_ => 'Order Report Trial');